Hiya! My name's Emily, and I'm in my last year of undergrad at the University of Kentucky, where I'm generally overcommitted and study Political Science. My favorite thing in the whole wide world is to study on Saturday mornings, right after I wake up, hidden away in the library. Other close seconds include hiking through the wilderness in the least practical conditions possible, my dog, and wandering used bookstores with a cup of coffee in hand.
Where do you hail from?
I'm a tried and true Kentuckian, no two ways about it. I hail from a small town in the very western tip of Kentucky, but these days I call Lexington, KY my home (much to my parents' dismay.) Who knows where my life will take me next.
If you could be one literary character, who would you be and why?
Miss Elinor Dashwood of Sense & Sensibility-- she's at once courageous, compassionate, strong-willed, and patient. I would love to grow up to be half that kind of woman.
Favorite book genres:
The classics. I've read all of the Nobel Prize winners of literature from 2014 to 1980, and I'm working my way backwards. I'm also a sucker for a good autobiography of anyone that's good with stories. Speaking of stories, short stories are my favorite of all. Novels let you become someone you're not, but with short stories you're given a fully formed, pre-flawed character to love as they are-- you don't have the whole picture. It's like making a new friend.
Ideal reading location:
Anywhere there is a blanket and a preferably endless supply of coffee/tea. I'm not good at reading in public, I like to eavesdrop too much.
Favorite film adaptation of a book:
Much Ado About Nothing with Emma Thompson and Kenneth Branaugh. I love a good love story revolving around one-liners. Plus, Shakespeare is amazing with the best actors Britain has to offer.
Pet peeves:
Inconsistency. Also, the sound of people brushing their teeth.
A place that is not your home that feels like home:
Nashville, Brussels, and Oxford... Clearly I just don't know where home is anymore.
Place you long to go to:
In no specific order:
Norway, the Netherlands, St. Petersburg, Prague, Poland, Iceland, Alaska, the Grand Canyon.
Personal tag line:
You win some, you lose some.
Quote you live by:
"And now that you don't have to be perfect, you can be good." -John Steinbeck
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